The tape is manufactured from high-grade raw materials
- biaxially-oriented polypropylene film (BOPP) with the
application of adhesive coating on rubber substrate
by 'hot melt' technology and has a wide application
range owing to high technological characteristics.
Utilization of the most breakthrough manufacturing
technology allows us to produce high-quality production
that is adequately able to compete in the market.
The manufacturing process is executed on imported equipment with the usage
of considerably small (in comparison with other technologies) amounts
of nonrecoverable and expensive raw materials. Substrate material: polypropylene
film. Adhesive: on synthetic rubber basis.
Percent elongation at break - no less than 120%.
Delamination strength - no less than 3,0 N/ sm.
Operating conditions from -15°C to +50°C.
Tape thickness w/ adhesive layer - 45-50 mcm.
Tape width (mm) - 50, 70, 75.
Tape length: on the customer's request.
Tape color - transparent, white, brown.
For adhesive tapes with logo - printing is between the substrate (polypropylene film) and adhesive layer ('interlayer printing').
base film
adhesive layer
Operating conditions of packaging adhesive tapes (scotch)
Packaging adhesive tapes (scotch) are intended for manual and automatic
packing of cardboard boxes, paper and film sticking, gluing labels to glass and
polymeric packaging materials as well as for other operations when packing
different goods and stocking labeling under operating conditions from -15°C
to +50°C. Before the application the tape is kept to mature for no less than
3 hours with temperature (15-30)°C and is sticked by insignificant pressure
without tension under the same temperature. The surface the tape to be sticked
to should be dry, smooth, flat, dust- and fat-free. Storage conditions - from
+5°C to +30°C and relative humidity up to 80% at the distance no less than 1
m from heating devices. Warranty shelf-life of the tape is 1 year from the date
of production.
Adhesive tape (scotch) with printing
Customers who have special requirements to own packaging are offered packing
adhesive tapes with applied printed picture (logotype) of up to 4 colors.
Printed drawing can be a company's logo, a trademark or information about the
manufacturer or goods. 'Interlayer' printing is produced between the layers
-substrate (polymeric film) and adhesive coating what in its turn guarantees
additional protection of your adhesive tape from falsification and provides full
protection from scuffing of printed information during handling and
The usage of adhesive tapes with logo has definite advantages: gives additional protection from falsification of the production You manufacture; prevents goods stealage and unauthorized access during transportation and storage; increases visual appeal, improves package design of Your wares; strengthens and highlights corporate identity of Your organization; is used as a label of a pack unit of Your merchandize; supplements advertising opportunities of Your production; is used as obstructive, warning and informative tapes.
Additional information
Despite the fact that packaging tapes are
distinguished for their application versatility,
their main task is to provide reliable packaging
of cardboard boxes. Under conditions of expansion
of cardboard processing and recycling the packaging
tapes manufactured by hot melt technology demonstrate
higher adhesive quality to such surfaces.
Unique rubber adhesive layer is prominent for more
reliable closing of boxes: high initial adhesion
including under low temperature conditions; better
shearing adhesiveness on the cardboard under high
temperatures and external actions.
Nonpolar character and high aggressive adhesiveness
make given adhesive tapes effective when using for
packaging of containers with nonpolar polyolefine
Hot melt technology guarantees lower weight
of adhesive coating what in its turn makes rolls with
smaller diameter and weight.
Good separation (releasing) of adhesive layer provides
easy unrolling what promotes more convenient handling
in manual and automatic usage. Such tapes secure
smoother functioning of packing machines with rare
tape breaks and cardboard damage.
Utilization possibilities conform to modern
environmental challenges. During cardboard recycling
these adhesive tapes are easy to remove from cellulose
pulp, as the glue is 100% insoluble in water. When you
remove the tape from cardboard it remains completely
on the tape.